Monday, February 13, 2017

Task 17 - 2/13/17

Naulsberry Jean Baptiste
Period 5
February 13th TASK

  • Article 1:
  • Article 2:

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Even Worse Than We Feared, Plight of beached whale highlights extent of ocean garbage

1. What is The Great Pacific Garbage Patch? How was the Garbage Patch created and what is it made of? How long has it been there?
- The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean. Marine debris is litter that ends up in oceans, seas, and other large bodies of water. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch formed gradually as a result of ocean or marine pollution gathered by oceanic currents. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made of trash. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has been discovered since 1997.

2. What is the difference between the 2 articles? 
- Article 1 is about the extent of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Article 2 is about how a beached whale ate things from the garbage patch.

3. Were the author’s views the same or conflicting? Provide examples.
-  The author's views were the same because they are both talking about how dangerous the garbage patch really is. Article 1: "Researchers documented more garbage at the edge of the gyre than they expected to see at its center, where debris is more concentrated, Slat said at a press conference at Moffett Airfield in Mountain View, California. In just 2 1/2 hours, he said, the crew observed more than 1,000 large floating objects." Article 2: "Last year, researchers conducted a flyover survey of the infamous Pacific garbage patch, finding it to be denser than previously thought."

4. List one detail that was present in one article but not the other. How would this detail affect the meaning of the other article?
- In Article 2 it speaks of a bleached whale and how the trash is dangerous to sea animals, Article 1 only speaks about how it's dangerous. This detail makes it known that Article 2 is mainly about saving sea animals from garbage debris.

5. Based on the articles what is your opinion about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch? What should be done to clean it up? And who should pay for it?
- My opinion on The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is that if something does not get done, it will only get worse. Soon it might even affect humans. In order for this to be cleaned up people should volunteer to have a quarterly or yearly clean up. The UN should pay to clean this up, it's their job anyway.