Naulsberry Jean Baptiste
Period 5
January 23rd TASK
- Article 1:
- Article 2:
Autonomous Car Backlash Kicks Off In Upstate New York, Tesla cleared of fault in fatal Autopilot crash, but autonomous car makers on watch
- An Autonomous Car is a car that drives it self. A lot of companies are making them. It is an advantage to people that are disabled because they might have a condition that disables them from driving, instead of spending their money on buses they can get an autonomous car instead. A disadvantage is that they cannot always detect things and prevent a car crash as fast and careful as an actual human.
2. What is the difference between the 2 articles?
- The difference between the two articles is that the first article speaks about how driveless cars are taking away jobs from taxi drivers, while the second one is about how a car accident occurred.
3. Were the author’s views the same or conflicting? Provide examples.
- The same because, they both talk about the cons of autonomous cars. Some examples are: reports of the incident say the driver had the semi-autonomous Autopilot program engaged at the time of the crash, and it was unclear whether the vehicle’s systems didn’t detect the turning truck ahead or whether the driver had ignored safety warnings to re-take control of the vehicle; and large groups of workers are going to recognize that their jobs are threatened., today it may be the taxi driver tomorrow, it's all the truckers.
4. List one detail that was present in one article but not the other. How would this detail affect the meaning of the other article?
- A detail in the first article that wasn't in the second one is that autonomous cars are taking away jobs. This detail is not related at all to the second article's topic so that would confuse the readers.
5. Based on the articles what is your opinion about the Autonomous Cars? Provide examples.
- Autonomous cars to me are a semi good and semi bad thing. We are relying too much on technology for too many things, next thing you know we wont even need to feed ourselves. However, I like the thought of relaxing while driving to school.