Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Task 1 - 9/7/16

Naulsberry Jean Baptiste
Period 5

Bound September 6th TASK
Use the link below to read the article. Answer all questions using complete sentences

Here’s What It Feels Like 

to Spend a Year on 'Mars'

Select two words or phrases in the article that support the idea that living in isolation with a small group and limited space and supplies is difficult.
- Two words or phrases that supports the idea that living in isolation with a small group and limited supplied is difficult are, "...hunkered down and shivered through relentlessly chilly days together", and "If you're not the kind of person who can't really suspend're probably not the kind of person who would want to come on this mission." These support the idea because, the first quote shows that the temperature was so harsh that they had to huddle up together to keep each other warm. The second quote shows that if you do not have the required imagination ut will be hard for you to actually feel like you are "on Mars".

Which quotation supports the idea that living in isolation with a small group is difficult?
- The idea that living in isolation with a small group is difficult is supported by this quotation, "For 365.5 days, they worked together, lived together, cooked together, hunkered down and shivere through relentlessly chilly days together. No visits from friends, no phone calls to family, no one to rely on but each other.." This shows that it is difficult because, I really cannot eat homemade food from other people. I can only eat the ones made by me or my family, otherwise it gives me stomach pains. So that would be really difficult for someone like me. You also do not get enough alone time, which does not work for me. I like being alone more than I like being with people.

Read this excerpt from the text:
But projects like HI-SEAS can help scientists learn how small groups work together in the context of a journey to deep space.
Select two details from the test that support the author’s conclusion.
- Two details that supports the author's conclusion are that the HI-SEAS simulation helps show how the groups can work together to solve problems, and the simulation can come up with easy answers to hard problems for the future.

How do the participants feel about the experiment?
Which detail from the text supports this conclusion?
- The participants felt like it was hard but it was also worth it. Once they landed Shyena Gifford took some of the soil and sniffed it because, she missed it that much. One of her group mates found it hard to get alone time. Their commander, however, felt it would help give the answers to future problems.

Based on the article how does the author feel about astronauts living going to Mars?
Which detail from the text supports your answer?
- The author feels that it would hard. The author uses words like "immense", and "unbreathable atmosphere" to describe how it would be to live on Mars. The author also stated that the lack of liquids and toxic soil would challenge even some of the "hardiest astronauts".

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