Monday, September 26, 2016

Task 4 - 9/26/16

Naulsberry Jean Baptiste
Period 5

September 26th TASK
Use the link below to read the article. Answer all questions using complete sentences

New Study Links Texas Quakes to Fracking Wells

1. Select two words or phrases in the article that support that injecting waste water from fracking is leading to earthquakes.
- Two words or phrases that supports that fracking wells is leading to earthquakes are: "Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid injection in eastern Texas", and "... By creating an impasse in the rock, the injection well forced the pore pressure downwards until it hit an ancient fault line."

2. Which quotation supports the idea that fracking is leading to earthquakes?
- The quotation that supports that fracking is leading to earthquakes is, "Looking at wells to the earthquakes's epicenter determined that wastewater injection from shallows wells resulted in detectable ground uplift at distances up to 5 miles."

3. Read this excerpt from the text:
Wastewater injection wells handle a byproduct of fracking, which study co-author William Ellsworth compares to "ancient ocean water" in that it is "too salty and too contaminated with other chemicals to treat economically, so the only viable solution at present is to put it back underground." The wells then push that wastewater thousands of feet underground, although distances vary per well.
Select two details from the text that support the author’s conclusion.
- Two details from the text that support the author's conclusion are that the closer the wells are to the earth's epicenter the more likely it is to cause earthquakes, and that the earth pushes the water back underground until it hits an ancient fault line.

4. What are some of the ways to get rid of contaminated waste water from fracking?
Which detail from the text supports this conclusion?
- One way to get rid of contaminated waste water from fracking was to bring it back underground. A detail that supports this is because the water front he wells is too salty the earth decides to push it back under ground as a way to get rid of it. 

5. Based on the article how does the author feel about fracking?
Which detail from the text supports your answer?
- Based on the article the author feels that fracking is detrimental to the the Earth and the people on it. Fracking leads to earthquake due to the acidity in the well's waters.

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