Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Task 3 - 9/20/16

Naulsberry Jean Baptiste
Period 5

September 19th TASK
Use the link below to read the article. Answer all questions using complete sentences

Smart Factory Technologies Step Up at IMTS

1. Select two words or phrases in the article that support the idea that connecting automated equipment will have benefits.
- Two words or phrases that supports this idea are: "Smarter factory systems connected via the cloud are the grand vision offered for the future factories that will fully leverage the best available tools from automation, software and machine tool builders.", and connecting to these automated equipments will help them reach their full potential.

2. Which quotation supports the idea that more factories will become connected to utilize new technology?
-The quotation that supports this idea is, "More smart factory developments at IMTS included Memex Inc. (Burlington, ON, Canada) unveiling its MTC-One, an advanced, easily configurable MTConnect board legacy machine tools and other IIoT devices."

3. Read this excerpt from the text:
“We think we’re leading some of the industry with the cloud and analytics—and we’re really not after the reactive, but the predictive, with this system.”
Select two details from the test that support the author’s conclusion.
-Two details that support this is, "The ZDT system, which helps ensure zero downtime for factory automation systems is scheduled for general released to customers at the end of this year.", and "FANUC currently has about 6000 robots using ZDT that are deployed in 37 factories in five countries, noted Joe Gazzarato, director-engineering, ZDT Service Center."

4. What are some of the benefits linking automation to analytic software?
Which detail from the text supports this conclusion?
- Some of these benefits are: it needs zero downtime, faster cycle times, optimized processes, and helps take in many elements at once. The detail that supports this is, "... manufacturers can get faster cycle times and optimized processes," said David Fuller...

5. Based on the article how does the author feel about smart factories?
Which detail from the text supports your answer?
- The author feels that smart factories are a good thing. I know this because he talks about the benefits of connecting automated equipment, how this will be developing in the future, and its effect on other factories.

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